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What we can support you with:
Why Hire an IBCLC?
-Painful breastfeeding and latch concerns
-Latching techniques and positioning
-Nipple pain
-Inverted or flat nipples
-Nipple shield use/weaning
-Sore nipples
-Premature babies
-Transitioning home from NICU
-Twins or multiples
-Suspected tongue tie and/or lip tie
-Support after tongue and/or lip tie release
-Concerns with low milk supply
-Oversupply or overactive letdown
-Gassy/ fussy babies
-Breast refusal concerns
-Pumping concerns
-Supplementing issues
-Bottle feeding
-Formula feeding
-Expressed milk storage and handling
-Concerns with weight gain
-Mastitis, plugged ducts and engorgement
-Weaning and many more
An International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC) is the only internationally certified professional in clinical management of breastfeeding and lactation. They work in collaboration with other health care professionals to help families meet their feeding goals. Before sitting for an exam, candidates must complete extensive clinical experience (1000 hrs) and lactation specific education (90 hrs). They must abide by professional standards and re-certify every 5 years to stay up-to-date.
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